md:complex CouperOff: Stop rosacea flare ups, soothing rough and prevent irritation

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Rosacea is a common chronic inflammatory skin condition characterised by erythema, inflammatory papules or pustules, telangiectasia, redness, oedema, hyperplasia of the connective tissue or a combination of these symptoms. Patients with rosacea suffer from facial flushing, stinging, irritation, pain or burning sensations.


Rosacea predominantly affects fair-skinned people and those between the ages of 30 and 50. Both women and men suffer from it, and while it tends to be more common in women, it is usually more severe in men. Rosacea can have a significant psychosocial impact on patients, and cause anxiety, embarrassment and low self-esteem.


md:complex CouperOff has been designed to restore the functional integrity of the skin´s barrier, reduce facial redness, diminish inflammation, strengthen the skin´s own immune system and suppress the formation or activity of reactive oxygen species (ROS). It restores the skin´s balance by limiting the dilation of blood vessels and inflammation, reducing skin sensitivity, and offsetting dryness.


With great anti-reddening, anti-inflammatory and soothing ingredients, md:complex CouperOff reinforces the walls of the skin capillaries to reduce rosacea flare ups, calming the skin and preventing further irritation. It prevents the formation of telangiectasia, increases the elasticity of the blood vessels and minimises facial redness, erythema and dryness, soothing rough and scaly skin.


md:complex CouperOff strengthens the skin´s barrier function and replenishes the skin´s lipids and hyaluronic acid level, mitigating dryness and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It helps brighten skin tone and supports collagen production for plumper, smoother and more refined skin.