In the world of skincare, Glycolic and salicylic acids have emerged as powerhouse ingredients with transformative benefits. These two acids offer distinct yet complementary actions that can revolutionize your skincare routine. Find about them in this post!
It’s completely normal to find acids listed within the ingredients of skincare products, from general rejuvenating to anti-acne treatments. Some of these acids have similar properties, and are used in similar products. This is the case with two of md:ceuticals’ favourite acids; Glycolic acid, and Salicylic acid. Knowing the difference between the two will certainly help you to achieve professional results from treatments within the comfort of your home.
About Glycolic Acid
Glycolic Acid is naturally-occurring alpha hydroxyacid derived from the sugar cane. With excellent exfoliating properties, it accelerates cellular renovation, removing the uneven layer of dead skin cells, and resulting in a smoother and uniform skin texture.Its small molecular size facilitates the faster and deeper penetration through the skin surface, facilitating the penetration of topical agents. It is an excellent ingredient to prepare the skin before other professional treatments.
Glycolic acid is commonly used to treat mild hyperpigmentation, enlarged pores, rough complexion, and find lines and wrinkles.
If you are looking for a gentle home-peel containing glycolic acid, try md:prepeel AHAs complex 15%; or if you are looking for an intensive professional treatment to remove hyperpigmentation, try md:complex melanoceuticals.
About Salicylic Acid
Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxyacid with keratolytic, comedolytic, bactericidal and astringent properties, ideal for acne treatment. It counteracts all acne critical factors factors (comedones, bacteria and inflammation) by targeting each stage individually.It works as both a keratolytic and comedolytic agent by causing the cells of the epidermis to shed more readily, opening clogged pores and neutralizing bacteria within. It prevents pores from clogging up again by constricting pore diameter, and allowing room for new cell growth.
It causes flaking on both epidermal layer and inside the pore. It helps control the oil secretion in the sebaceous glands, active acne, seborrheic skin, pustules blemishes and aged skin. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, this peel is suitable even for sensitive skin, helping diminish irritation and discomfort commonly associated with alpha hydroxyacids.
Because of its effect on skin cells, salicylic acid is also used in several shampoos used to treat dandruff.
If you need to reduce skin oiliness and acne breakouts at home, try md:prepeel Beta&AHAs complex 8% and Bionic SkinClear acne & scar eraser. If you need an intensive professional treatment against acne and acne scars, go for some sessions of md:peel azelaic 17% + salicylic 20%.
When deciding whether choose to use skin care products containing salicylic acid or glycolic acid, you should consider first your skin type and condition. If you happen to have mixed or oily sensitive skin, probably suffering from acne, then salicylic would be the best choice. Glycolic acid is suitable for hyperpigmented, rough skin with fine wrinkles. Talk to your beauty professional and ask which md:ceuticals’ treatments suits best to you.