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Body remodelling: say goodbye to cellulite & stretch marks

  |   all-pt, skin-care-pt

Although we are in the middle of summer, it is never too late to get the body we want. Cellulite and stretch marks are two very common skin conditions that affect 85 to 90% of post-adolescent women and are two of the most annoying afflictions on any woman’s list.

Cellulite causes the skin to acquire an orange peel, mattress-like or dimpled appearance on the thighs, buttocks, and sometimes lower abdomen. Cellulite is, in fact, a slow and complex multifactorial process that involves the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue.

It can be caused by hereditary factors, hormone dysfunction, lack of exercise, blood circulation problems, connective tissue weakness, premature skin ageing, poor nutrition, or excessive alcohol consumption.

Long term correction of cellulite is possible through the application of md:complex Cell-Lipodrain, which modifies weakened connective tissue, reduces fat cell size and improves the overall function of micro-circulation.

This cocktail is composed of: L-Carnitine, Lecithin, Sodium deoxycholate, Theophylline, Organic Silicon, Centella Asiatica and Rizoma Ruscus. These ingredients promote a lipotropic mobilising action. They act as emulsifying agents, making lipids water-soluble. They also stimulate fat-splitting lipase activity, so that triglycerides are hydrolysed, facilitating the release of fat.

md:complex Cell-Lipodrain contains:

–              Actives promoting lipolysis and reducing lipogenesis

–              Actives increasing microvascular flow and lymphatic drainage

–              Actives restoring the normal structure of the dermal and subcutaneous tissue

–              Actives preventing free-radical formation

To achieve a comprehensive body improvement, mdceuticals also offers the best solution for the treatment of stretch marks and body flaccidity. md:complex Firming-Regen breaks the Stretch Mark curse, thanks to its formulation rich in regenerating and restoring active principles, such as: Elastin, DMAE, Organic Silicon, Chondroitin Sulphate and Ascorbic Acid.

These ingredients aim to create a new network of connective tissue with an improved structure that resembles that of the normal skin.

Prior to any treatment against cellulite and stretch marks, prep the area with md:peel glycolic 35%. The chemical peel promotes a powerful exfoliating effect, accelerating cellular renovation and facilitating the penetration of the lipolytic and draining ingredients contained in both md:complex Cell-Lipodrain and md:complex Firming-Regen.

Say goodbye to cellulite and stretch marks and enjoy your new summer-body with md:ceuticals!